Outdoor Industry Communication Council (OICC)
Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation (OSCF) has identified the need to form a coalition of state wildlife agencies, NGO’s, media, industry manufacturers and retailers to work together to develop and communicate messages that promote the positive contributions of HATS™ (Hunters, Anglers, Trappers and Shooters).
The goal of the Outdoor Industry Communication Council (OICC) is to better inform people on the benefits of going outdoors and participating in activities such as hunting, fishing, trapping and target shooting.
There are no costs involved with the OICC as this project is funded by the Multistate Conservation Grant Program (F23AP00404), a program supported with funds from the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program and jointly managed by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Feel free to use any OICC shareable media in your print or online newsletters, social media, or however you see fit.
OICC Partners Include
Fill out the form below to become a member of the Outdoor Industry Communication Council
For additional information, or to join the Outdoor Industry Communication Council (OICC), contact OSCF Executive Director, Jim Curcuruto jim@stewardsofconservation.org (203) 450-7202